
About BLM-10

This Bureau of Land Management (BLM) road begins 1.6 miles south of the Marys Peak Road turnoff on Hwy 34 (see location). It skirts the south flank of Old Blue Mountain (a significant Coast Range peak at an elevation of 3278'), with spectacular views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. It follows the North Fork of the Alsea River for a few miles, passes by Klickitat Lake, and in about 4 miles joins Feagles Creek Road (NF-611) which then heads north for 3 more miles to Marys Peak Road just west of Harlan. Note: On some maps, BLM-10 is referred to as BLM 13-7-10. A suggested routes is described below.

BLM-10 Route

RWGPS Route (courtesy of Mid-Valley Bicycle Club)

Description: This is an "out-and-back" route that is about 12 miles one-way and 24 miles round-trip. It skirts the southern flank of Old Blue Mountain with spectacular views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. It then follows the North Fork of the Alsea River to Klickitat Lake before returning. The starting location is at a logging landing about 2.7 miles west of Hwy 34. This is to avoid the 700' of climbing that occurs in that relatively short distance. 

Distance & elevation gain: 24 miles. 1900’ of climbing.

Percent unpaved: 100%

Starting point / parking: The starting point is at a logging landing about 2.7 miles west of Hwy 34 (location: 44.444921, -123.552509). From the intersection of Hwy 34 and BLM-10, drive west for ~2.5 miles and turn south and park at the logging landing where there is fantastic view to the south. Distance and drive time from downtown Corvallis: 19 miles; 32 minutes. 

Elevation profile: See below.

BLM-10 Longer Route

If you start from the parking area at the intersection of Hwy 34 and BLM-10 (see location), add 4 miles and 700' of climbing to the route described above.