Southern Tier: Waldport to Florence
About the Southern Tier
The Southern Tier lies to the southwest of Corvallis between Waldport and Florence. It has been subdivided into three areas:
This area extends from Corvallis to just south of the town of Monroe (toward the southeast) and the northern part of Lobster Valley south of the town of Alsea (toward the southwest).
This area is between the town of Alsea and from Waldport to Yachats on the Coast. This page presents routes from Corvallis to Yachats and Waldport via the town of Alsea.
This area is to the south of the areas described above and to the north of Hwy 126 that goes from Eugene to Florence.
Corvallis to the Coast Map
This map shows the northern half of the Southern Tier and the Middle Tier. Some roads are omitted (particularly in Southern Benton County and on the Middle Tier). See other maps on this site for more detail.
Route from Corvallis to the Coast
This map shows a recommended route from Corvallis to Yachats.