Bellfountain Park to Alsea Falls

About Bellfountain Park to Alsea Falls

This route forms a 24 mile counterclockwise loop from Bellfountain County Park to Alsea Falls with about 2000' of climbing. From Hull-Oakes Sawmill, the road climbs 800’ in 3 miles, which is the hardest part of the ride. There is another 450’ climb on the return on Miller Road before the long descent on Green Peak Road. There are scenic viewpoints on a side road to the west at Mile 14.6 and on top of Wagon Wheel (mountain) (Mile 16.7).

Essential information

Starting location: Bellfountain County Park (see location

Distance & drive time (from downtown Corvallis): 18 miles; 25 minutes

RWGPS route (courtesy of MVBC): 24 miles; +2000'; 73% unpaved

Additional information

No permits are necessary. As you head west on Dawson Road from Bellfountain Park a public right of way goes through the middle of the Hull Oakes Sawmill to get to Hull Oakes Road. The recommended direction for the route is counterclockwise. If you go clockwise, be aware of a tricky intersection where the Alsea Backcountry Byway meets Hull Oakes Road (see below).

Beware of this intersection

This intersection is where the Alsea Backcountry Byway meets Hull Oakes Road. You will want to make sure you turn onto the actual Hull Oakes Road, and not the road that climbs 800' to South Mountain Road. This intersection is a good example of...