Herbert Farm & Natural Area

About Herbert Farm

Herbert Farm & Natural Area is an undeveloped natural area owned by the City of Corvallis that includes native Oak groves, riparian woodland, upland prairies and wetlands. The former agricultural fields are being restored to natural habitats. Future plans include the development of a recreational trail system.  

About this route

This is a short out-and-back to the natural area from Deschutes Avenue. Once you reach the parking area, you can ride the trail into the park. There is a hint of a loop trail around the open area that is suitable for a mountain bike when the weeds aren't too high and it isn't too wet. This would be a good route to combine with the Kiger Island route that also begins on Deschutes Avenue

Essential information

Starting location: Deschutes Avenue (see map). Parking is available on the street. 

Distance & drive time (from downtown Corvallis): 2.7 miles; 5 minutes

RWGPS route map: 4 miles; +25'; 62% unpaved